Boys - I'm a 12 year old girl and need advice bad! I have a major crush on this boy.we usually hang?

... out but he always is hanging out with my brother and his friends. I dont know what to do! I give other people advice but I cant take my own! I ha

... out but he always is hanging out with my brother and his friends. I don't know what to do! I give other people advice but I can't take my own! I have the boy on aim and facebook but I'm way too scared to ask him out. I think that if I ask him out he will think I'm obbsessed with him. I always deny when he says I like him.any advice?please help me out!!!

or:... out but he always is hanging out with my brother and his friends. I don't know what to do! I give other people advice but I can't take my own! I have the boy on aim and facebook but I'm way too scared to ask him out. I think that if I ask him out he will think I'm obbsessed with him. I always deny when he says I like him.any advice?please help me out!!!

or:first,you must be friend with him. you can talk with him more and give some hints to him that you like him, but not so clearly. then see what is his reflection. in fact, to fall in a relationship is just a feeling,let him has the feeling------stay with you happily. good luck~~

or:If you like him then just tell him. Tell him how you feel and he might like you back beacuse you did say he asks you if you like him. If you are scared to tell him in person then tell him on facebook. He might not think you are obbsessed with him just because you asked him out once. I hope you can try want I told you.

or:first, haha! we are the same age! make sure he is not older then you because boys don't like to date lil' girls (i dunno why, its in their blood)

or:well i think you should just have a open conversation next time you see him .

or:well i a girl and i also think u shud go 4 it and ask him out and if 2 shy ask a trusted friend to do it for u in a way so if he say no u can act like u haden't planned it take deep breaths u'll be fine :)

or:It's completely normal of you to feel scared like this, girls of this age are often too scared however my advice to you is that first make sure you know that he likes you (he doesn't get annoyed, or tells you to go away, doesn't speak harshly) and then ask him out as soon as you can because sometimes it can get to late and then the guy could move ahead because some boys don't wait for too long. Hope everything turns ok with your relationship!Good Luck!!:)
