Do animals have souls?

basicaly i have a dog, i have had him for just over a year now, since then I have grown very close to him, he is now one of the family. he has such a

basicaly i have a dog, i have had him for just over a year now, since then I have grown very close to him, he is now one of the family. he has such a character about him that he sometimes reminds me of a child, i just feel that something so full of life must have more a purpose then just to be somebody's pet, i know man is meant to be all dominant and powerful etc but we are animals aswel arnt we? diffrent species and more inteligent but we're still animals

or:basicaly i have a dog, i have had him for just over a year now, since then I have grown very close to him, he is now one of the family. he has such a character about him that he sometimes reminds me of a child, i just feel that something so full of life must have more a purpose then just to be somebody's pet, i know man is meant to be all dominant and powerful etc but we are animals aswel arnt we? diffrent species and more inteligent but we're still animals

or:If anyone has a soul it's the animals - their actions are pure - most humans are not!

or:All animals have souls or a spirit that drives them. Most species conceive children, raise and feed them, many mate for life. And most certainly personalities, that's why we love them and they love and give to us in return. I've never lost a pet without tears and grief. Each new one brings us back. Oddly enough, I've been an avid hunter since I was 6. I'm almost half Cheyenne and my Spirit calls on me to give thanks. I hunt for food, not trophies, and at the site of each bird or mammal's death, I give thanks to Mother Earth for granting me this food and then always leave an offering, each touches my heart for the soul departed. Yes they have real souls.

or:Pets definitely had souls. Actually, I love horse it bring so much happiness, companionship and enjoyment as a reward for my pet I visit to buy some horse items.

or:Yes animals have souls and yes we are animals we eat meat and vegetables just like animals we have hair just like animals the hair o you arms an legs is actually fur we are animals

or:People are not technically animals. However, I agree, animals do have a purpose. It can be for companionship, meat, warmth, etc. Animals and people should definitely be separated in species categorization. I'd say-animals have souls-just not as!
