End of windows xp Do I need a new computer?

My computer is about 8 years old an working fine. I understand eventually I will have to get another operating system. I do not know much about comput

My computer is about 8 years old an working fine. I understand eventually I will have to get another operating system. I do not know much about computers. Does this mean I need a new computer? I have an external hard drive but would I have to back everything I have up? Would I have to give my old computer to someone and get everything loaded for me? I do not have any of the original programs. What else would I need to know?

or:My computer is about 8 years old an working fine. I understand eventually I will have to get another operating system. I do not know much about computers. Does this mean I need a new computer? I have an external hard drive but would I have to back everything I have up? Would I have to give my old computer to someone and get everything loaded for me? I do not have any of the original programs. What else would I need to know?

or:if your computer is 8 years old then i think you should get a new one. if you can afford it then why not. when your shopping for computers you should figure out what you want out of it first. if it's gaming you should go for a desktop PC not a MAC. if it's just office work and web browsing i'd suggest HP or DELL. i've been wanting an HP touchsmart since they where put on the shelves. and don't go with \"alienware\" they look cool but i've read some bad reviews about them being made from cheap stuff and feeling like plastic.when getting rid of your old computer you should either donate to a new to you place or recycle it, it saves on electronic waste.

or:NO you did not need a new computer
