How can I convert my teenage son?

My 15 year old son supports communism and is an atheist. I will not stand for this, since he was born into a completely democratic and Christian famil

My 15 year old son supports communism and is an atheist. I will not stand for this, since he was born into a completely democratic and Christian family. It makes no sense that he would betray Jesus. Jesus has done nothing wrong to him. I don't want my son being a hated dictator when he grows up either, let alone supporting something that's wrong. I dislike what my son has turned out to be. He is a monster!

or:My 15 year old son supports communism and is an atheist. I will not stand for this, since he was born into a completely democratic and Christian family. It makes no sense that he would betray Jesus. Jesus has done nothing wrong to him. I don't want my son being a hated dictator when he grows up either, let alone supporting something that's wrong. I dislike what my son has turned out to be. He is a monster!

or:i hope your son lives life for the good, without living in hatred and brutality

or:It is hard to persuade somebody if your own beliefs are not persuadable. I recommend to use the Bible very much to persuade him. But to use it, you must study it also, as in you understand what the prospect for the future of the God's will. You can contact somebody that can have Bible study with your son (honestly, it is proven and it works a lot) that will answer most of the questions mostly from a teenager perspective of course, based on the Bible.

or:Have a talk with your son. Try to find out why he quits his religion. And as you know why he quits,meby you can help him back in it. But dont force him, than he gona hate it and meby you to.I think you are from the USA, that is meby why you dont like communism much. Try to talk about it to. And again \"dont force him back to capitalism\". Than he gona hate it.And as you think to communism, please dont think only to the bad stuff. There are a lot of good communists to. Im against Stalin and kim-jong to. But im not against communism. In your countery somewan can be free to be communist or capitalist, that is what i call democratie. Ps: meby you dont think the same way as i do( i recpect that, because its your will). But please dont be a hater, i only want to help you.

or:You should not try to convert your son. Listen to yourself... YOU ARE THE MONSTER. Your child isn't the monster, you sick parent. LISTEN TO YOUR CHILD. Love him. Respect him. He has the power to choose his own beliefs. God isn't real anyways, so you are fooling yourself.

or:He probably has some moronic friends that are giving him this.

or:If you try to push too hard you'll just make him resent you. If you force him to believe a certain way he won't only grow to hate you but also the religion itself.
