How do you lose belly fat and tighten your thighs?

Im 13, and not overweight, but still feel uncomfortable with the way I look in a swimsuit. I eat generally pretty healthy, and I exercise, but it does

I'm 13, and not overweight, but still feel uncomfortable with the way I look in a swimsuit. I eat generally pretty healthy, and I exercise, but it doesn't work.

or:I'm 13, and not overweight, but still feel uncomfortable with the way I look in a swimsuit. I eat generally pretty healthy, and I exercise, but it doesn't work.

or:Swimming is a good way to tone your stomach and your legs :)

or:Squat with Ball, The Flamingo Balance, Plyometric Squat, The Single-Leg Circle, Lunges with Dumbbells, Toe Squat with Overhead Reach, Sun Salutation, Outer and Inner Thigh Kick Stretch, More Moves for Fab Thighs.These are more effective exercise for tighten your thighs.

or:You can lose belly fat by watching what you eat and doing the right kind of exercises. Avoid sweet and salty food, and as much as possible, drink plenty of water. For your thighs, you can do running and other strength and resistance exercises. And more importantly, do them on a regular basis. Maybe you are not doing it enough, the reason why you don't see your desired results, though you eat healthy and exercise?
