How does elevating a fractured foot bone help it heal when it needs blood?

Doctors keep telling me I have broken an area of my body which is notorious for low blood circulation. Hence itll take longer to heal than most fractu

Doctors keep telling me I have broken an area of my body which is notorious for low blood circulation. Hence it'll take longer to heal than most fractures. Why then do they keep telling me to elevate it and drain the blood? Wouldn't it make more sense to have it down on the ground?

or:Doctors keep telling me I have broken an area of my body which is notorious for low blood circulation. Hence it'll take longer to heal than most fractures. Why then do they keep telling me to elevate it and drain the blood? Wouldn't it make more sense to have it down on the ground?

or:well i think there is less blood there then other parts of the body hence the healing will be less but it will heal it just might take longer
