How people deal with death?

how people react and there feeling in death in what does it do to control your life expecially when you lost an loved one? or:how people react and the

how people react and there feeling in death in what does it do to control your life expecially when you lost an loved one?

or:how people react and there feeling in death in what does it do to control your life expecially when you lost an loved one?

or:I dealt with death once when my great grandmother passed away. It wasn't as sad for me, because I had only met her 2 times, but it was especially a sad time for my grandmother and dad. But, still we all rejoiced because she was in heaven and she was finally at peace from living a long life (she was 94 when she died, to be exact). It has been a year since her death, and we never bring her up in any conversation. It's like we forgot about her. I figured it out that we just want to live our normal lives and not focus on the negative or sad things. Enjoy YOUR OWN life while it lasts.

or:The whole world practically mourns death because the world is ignorant about the true meaning of death. They think death is the end, when in reality, it is not the end, it is just a bend. Only the body dies, that's why we say - let's pray for the departed Soul. But who departs, what departs? We human beings are so busy in this world that we have no time to contemplate life and death. We don't realize we are not the body that dies, we are not even the Mind and Ego, the ME, that does Karma and is ultimately reborn. We are the Divine Soul. At death, if we are enlightened with the Truth, we will be liberated not only from our suffering on earth, but we will be liberated from rebirth. There will be liberation and unification with the Divine. Then death will become a celebration. When you realize that death is certain, you don't mind even if a loved one goes, you realize that in this drama called Life, we all have to die, then why cry?
