How to not get nervous?

How to not get nervous? Is there a way to get rid of the nervous cell? or:How to not get nervous? Is there a way to get rid of the nervous cell?or:I u

How to not get nervous? Is there a way to get rid of the nervous cell?

or:How to not get nervous? Is there a way to get rid of the nervous cell?

or:I used to have the nervous problem as well... everytime I go on stage I get butterflies in my stomach but at the end I found out that i was thinking too much.. what you have to do is just calm down and relax and don't worry too much... or keep reminding yourself that you can do it.. after a while of this , you'd gain confidence and everytime you have to face these situations you'd be as flexible as ever (:

or:hey...look the same thing happens to me but it's solution that I got is, that at that moment just get angry and give the other person an angry look that will help you not to be nervous.... Thank You...
