I dont know?

How to tell this girl in my class my feelings. I like her and she like me. She is soooooosoooooooooooo sexy. Help me I dont know if I should tell her

How to tell this girl in my class my feelings. I like her and she like me. She is soooooosoooooooooooo sexy. Help me I dont know if I should tell her how I feel. if this question is answered in 1 day I will tell her but if not I wont

or:How to tell this girl in my class my feelings. I like her and she like me. She is soooooosoooooooooooo sexy. Help me I dont know if I should tell her how I feel. if this question is answered in 1 day I will tell her but if not I wont

or:tell her, what have you got to lose


or:tell her when you want to tell her

or:ok so what did you tell? How did you tell, and what was the outcome? Do tell us too. ;)
