I need to know this one word?

Ok, my language arts teacher was talking about this word, it means you have to look at a situationsomething like: Someone stole money, Not cause they

Ok, my language arts teacher was talking about this word, it means you have to look at a situation
something like: Someone stole money, Not cause they want too, but had too, cause there family was dieing.
You look at these kinda situations and choose if it was wrong or right to do. These is a word its in my mind i just cant remember please help i need to write a essay ASAP

or:Ok, my language arts teacher was talking about this word, it means you have to look at a situationsomething like: Someone stole money, Not cause they want too, but had too, cause there family was dieing.You look at these kinda situations and choose if it was wrong or right to do. These is a word its in my mind i just cant remember please help i need to write a essay ASAP

or:The word you are looking for might be Necessary, good luck.
