I only cut myself once. do I still need help?

im dealing with a lot of friendship problems and stress and self-image issues, and i was just feeling overall anxious, so i cut myself. it wasnt deep

im dealing with a lot of friendship problems and stress and self-image issues, and i was just feeling overall anxious, so i cut myself. it wasnt deep at all, just enough to see blood, and i dont want to do it again. it just seemed to calm me down. i honestly am not going to do it again, but do i still need professional help? if i do, what should i do? my parents friends and everyone around me would think different of me and not trust me anymore.

or:im dealing with a lot of friendship problems and stress and self-image issues, and i was just feeling overall anxious, so i cut myself. it wasnt deep at all, just enough to see blood, and i dont want to do it again. it just seemed to calm me down. i honestly am not going to do it again, but do i still need professional help? if i do, what should i do? my parents friends and everyone around me would think different of me and not trust me anymore.

or:You might need professional help. I do not think it is generally normal to do that. If this is the very first time you needn't worry too much. Whenever you feel anxious just lie down and observe your feelings and thoughts. Every time a thought arises just let it go.Do not resist any thought you have. Thoughts come of their own accord and you just have to ignore them. Try to observe your breath or count your breaths from 1 to 20 and keep doing that over and over again until your mind quietens down. Please do not worry about anything just do this when you feel insecure or lonely or afraid and see what happens. There is a higher power that will take over your life and lead you to happiness and fulfillment. You had nothing to do with coming into this world and whoever or whatever brought you into this world has the power to take care of you. There is really nothing you can do but just sit back and enjoy the ride. If my advice does not work for you then go and see a doctor or even a psychiatrist if needed but I think you are perfectly normal and healthy.

or:I've never cut my self before, but I have friends that have told me to do it I think that the people, who does that doesnt love themselfs and are getting hurt even more! DON'T DO IT!! you must be an smart person that have to think that you are more important than a problem or a frien ur only true friend is the person who's been here by your side scince you where lil and gave you advises dont let problems control you, YOU have to control them and dont let them hurt you

or:It's very sad that you cut yourself however I am pleased to hear that you don't want to do it again, you do not need professional help if you are completely sure that you would not do it again.
