Is there a age limit on buying a snake from Petsmart ?

Im 17 no liscences but want to buy a corn snake? or:I'm 17 no liscences but want to buy a corn snake?or:Give Petsmart a phone or call into thier store

I'm 17 no liscences but want to buy a corn snake?

or:I'm 17 no liscences but want to buy a corn snake?

or:Give Petsmart a phone or call into thier store , they will be able to tell you if there is an age limit and be able to give you very good information about looking after it.

or:I'm only 15 and signed, payed, and carried my baby ball python out of PetSmart. I'm sure you already have done it but you sure can in Illinois. How is your corn? I have one myself and they are awesome snakes :) I've gotten lucky with both of my snakes as they are the nicest I have met :)
