What is the best and affordable 25 theme birthday party?

what is the best 25th birthday theme party? Which affordable and a lot of people will have fun. or:what is the best 25th birthday theme party? Which a

what is the best 25th birthday theme party? Which affordable and a lot of people will have fun.

or:what is the best 25th birthday theme party? Which affordable and a lot of people will have fun.

or:Well the theme depend entirely on you if it's your birthday.. It should reflect your personality and in the end you have to select the theme you want. Here are some ideas-1) A movie theme 1a) A romantic movie like Romeo and Juliet 1b) A horror movie like Friday the 13th or the Ring or something 1c) A play like the Count of Monte Cristo2) A nationality theme 2a) Japanese 2b) Russian 2c) Indian3) A party theme [ i know this sound dumb but believe me it works] 3a) Friday night party 3b) Disco party 3c) Formal partyIn the end you have to choose,. but if I were you I would go with the Japanese theme- you could easily get chinese food[and pass it as Japanese], wear long robes like kimonos and girls can wear chopsticks in their hair and wear it in a bun......................A friday night and disco party are okay only if you are sure you will have someone to clean up afterwards, cause you may have people throwing up and food everywhere.....plus your house may get trashed, but it's the cheapest because all you need is some hip music, drinks and lots of pizza........Compliments for your birthdayEnjoy your birthday
