What is the meaning when after you got weird nightmare I found in my pillow these strange 6 lines?

My nightmare is when you cant move any of your body but you can visualize your sorroundings. What is more weird is that it happen the second time when

My nightmare is when you can't move any of your body but you can visualize your sorroundings. What is more weird is that it happen the second time when I was onboard and again these six lines under my pillow.

or:My nightmare is when you can't move any of your body but you can visualize your sorroundings. What is more weird is that it happen the second time when I was onboard and again these six lines under my pillow.

or:thats not a drwam that is a demon geeze that is very scary i would never go to sleep if that happened to me i would die after 11 days i would not go to slep
