Where does respiration take place?

For my science. or:For my science.or:Lungsor:in human beings,respiration takes place in lungs and in plants it takes place in all cells of the body.or

For my science.

or:For my science.


or:in human beings,respiration takes place in lungs and in plants it takes place in all cells of the body.

or:it takes place in the respiratory system. The respiratory system is composed of lungs throat etc.

or:it starts at 2 places1. from human respiration system( help of human cells)2. from plant respiratory system( help of plant cells)

or:Cellular repiration takes place in the mitochodrion. The 3 phases of cellular respiration are Glycolysis (Fermentation), Krebs Cycle, and Electron Transport. Glycolysis takes place in the cytoplasm. The Krebs cycle and electron transport takes place in the mitochondria.
