Which social change gave middle class women time to think about society?

#6Its either hiring household helpabolition of slaveryworking outside the homechanges in property laws or:#6Its either hiring household helpabolition


Its either hiring household help

abolition of slavery

working outside the home

changes in property laws

or:#6Its either hiring household helpabolition of slaveryworking outside the homechanges in property laws

or:The upper class comparatively a small group, have never interested to spare time to think about the society and they actually don't know the problems in society.Middle class contribute to the second largest percentage of society. They are more concerned about self welfare and the society in common. They actually spare most of their times, came out and work for the society. The Simple example is Self help Groups and NGOs. I can quote another example a middle class women help anybody, even non- known people spending time and own money. Everyday you can see this in Govt. Hospitals.If they are protected from exploitation, it would definitely help social change.
