Absolute JEM | Custom Branding + Showit Website Design
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Jenna Miller of Absolute JEM is a custom branding and Showit website designer creating visual brands and websites with sparkling personalities.
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Absolute JEM | Custom Branding + Showit Website Design
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2022-10-26 11:29:39

"I love Absolute JEM | Custom Branding + Showit Website Design"

www.absolutejem.com VS www.gqak.com

2022-10-26 11:29:39

connectCONTACTBLOGPORTFOLIOSERVICESABOUTHOMECONTACTBLOGPORTFOLIOSERVICESABOUTHOMEBLING OUT MY BRANDcustom brand + web design for fab female entrepreneurspersonality.sparklinggive yourbrand aBLING OUT MY BRANDlevel up your small business withA BRILLIANT BRAND + WEBSITETHAT ATTRACTS YOUR TRIBE'but is your visual brandadiamond in the rough?youre a gem.After a decade in the digital marketing trenches, I know what works when it comes to strategic brand and website design. And I'm alllll about empowering female entrepreneurs to take their businesses up a notch. #youglowgirlImagine having a brand + website full of personality and style. A web presence that positions you as an authority and sends spark(les)flying with your ideal clients. When your branding communicates your expertise, personality, and passion you can truly connect with your audience.That's where the magic happens.It also just so happens to be my specialty.i'm jennaheygirl!LET'S DO THISHELP ME WITH MYAND HOW 'BOUT AVISUAL BRANDINGCUSTOM WEBSITEI WANT DEETSTELL ME MORE!YOUR BRAND + WEBSITE SHOULD, TOO.personality...sparklingyou have a—Meredith Monday SchwartzCurrently Reading PodcastYou are a true gift to the design world. There is so much power in what you create. You literally give us the ability to live out our passions through our projects.FUNKY-FRESHSTYLESEARCH ENGINEOPTIMIZATIONWEBDESIGNCOPYWRITING& EDITINGGRAPHICDESIGNMAD SKILLS, YOtrusted by*everything you need for a professional, cohesive brand!the small businessbranding checklistGRAB THIS FREE DOWNLOAD!the small businessbranding checklistPEEP THE BLOGread the postread the postread the postCATCH ME INTOPTIPPITYPRIVACYTERMSCONTACTPORTFOLIOBLOGSERVICESABOUTHOMEYOU'RE A GEMTOPTIPPITYABOUTSERVICESBLOGCONTACTPORTFOLIOHOMETERMSPRIVACYSUBSCRIBE!SEE YAON THE'GRAM© 2020–2022 Absolute JEM • All Rights Reserved |Design: Jenna Miller of Absolute JEM (who else?) | Brand Photos: Jennifer Casey Photography