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2022-08-16 10:05:04

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2022-08-16 10:05:04

Welcome to the European Network for Intelligent Information Interfaces The i3 community is about design, technology and people. It's about computer systems in the lives of ordinary people. It's about the effort to promote affordable web design and virtual tour photography. And it's about advanced high-risk research into the future. Disappearing Computer Support and enhancement of everyday life through interacting artefacts. Creation of artefacts, design of the functionality they support and how they work together to form people-friendly environments. The school of the future, the classroom, the wearables, the story-telling, the multimodal interfaces. Experimental School Environment Local communities absorbing computation for the benefit of all, the elderly, the tourist, the museum, the gathering, the neighbourhood. The virtual and the real, the inhabited information space, the virtual get-together. home + about i3net + services and publications + CI projects + ESE projects © 1999-2022 i3net.orgAbout the i3net web pagesRevised: Aug 16 2022.Mail to [email protected] i3magazine 13 i3mag: the i3 experience - full texts i3books in progress New video i3 in the media Other Past events Organisations can join the i3 community Task Groups Advertise on i3news Sitemap