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"I love idobi Network"

www.idobi.com VS www.gqak.com

2022-08-07 21:59:10

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The conversations are fun, silly, light-hearted and honest to highlight the experience of queer artists as natural and normal. It’s cool to be queer!Gone FishkinPhangs, Zach404, Co-host Marlo The Barbarianhttps://idobi.com/show/gone-fishkin?import=http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/p.ido.bi/fishkin/fish319.mp3&title=Phangs, Zach404, Co-host Marlo The BarbarianA show where Zach404 called in, Phangs stopped by and Marlo The Barbarian co-hosted! A show where Zach404 called in, Phangs stopped by and Marlo The Barbarian co-hosted! The Brett Davern ShowWho’s Keeping Scorehttps://idobi.com/show/brett-davern?import=http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/p.ido.bi/brettdavern/brettdavern.3221.mp3&title=Who’s Keeping ScoreOn Today’s Episode eff it Friday, Good News Friday and Oobat! …Enjoy! The Brett Davern…On Today’s Episode eff it Friday, Good News Friday and Oobat! …Enjoy! The Brett Davern Show is streamed LIVE daily at 10am (eastern) 7am (pacific) on idobi Radio at http://idobi.com. Follow Brett on social media @BDavv, Katie : @KatieLeclerc, the show @BrettDavernShow Podcast: Play in new window | Download Wesam's WorldThe Wolf Packhttps://idobi.com/show/wesams-world?import=http://www.podtrac.com/pts/redirect.mp3/p.ido.bi/wesam/WW212.mp3&title=The Wolf Packwesams-worldOn Episode #212 of Wesam's World, we have discovered our true purpose. Our calling is…On Episode #212 of Wesam’s World, we have discovered our true purpose. Our calling is to band together and become the ultimate apex predators. The Wolf Pack! We have another episode full of laughs and some of the craziest videos you can find on the internet. Come laugh, think, and recharge for the week!The Gunz ShowThe Backfireshttps://idobi.com/show/the-gunz-show?import=http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/p.ido.bi/gunz/GUNZ.290.mp3&title=The Backfiresthe-gunz-showThe reason The Gunz Show has become a success is obviously because of you the…The reason The Gunz Show has become a success is obviously because of you the listeners, but also because of always being on top of the best up and coming artists.  That’s why I want you all to check out The Backfires.  As soon as I heard the music I was like damn this is awesome.  Learn more about the band and their upcoming NYC show at Bowery Ballroom and more on tonight’s The Gunz Show!The Gunz ShowHoodie Allenhttps://idobi.com/show/the-gunz-show?import=http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/p.ido.bi/gunz/GUNZ.289.mp3&title=Hoodie Allenthe-gunz-showHad an absolute blast with Hoodie Allen on this week's The Gunz Show - where…Had an absolute blast with Hoodie Allen on this week’s The Gunz Show – where we spoke about his new music, his tour as well as the change in the music landscape.  Hoodie was one of the original social media music influencers – and built upon the rise of social media, throughout the SoundCloud era and more.  It’s a great conversation and you can definitely learn a lot from it!  Also, we play Who Wants to be an Emo Millionaire – my music trivia show to test Hoodie’s emo knowledge!  Make sure to listen and subscribe now! 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