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He writes atkortina.nyc. He co-founded fin.com and venmo.com.for humansMy about me page is a bit closer to the (real?) thing.Email: [email protected] — these are some of my favorites, a good place to start… The Emperor Has No Clothes, There is No Santa Claus, and Nothing is Rocket Science Principles for Radical Tax Reform and a Universal Dividend I, Backpack Consciousness as Computation // Learning from Deep Learning and Information Theory video newest The hero with 8 billion faces Old Castle, by the river, in the middle of a forest The Social Dilemma Dilemma consciousness+computation Narrative, Intelligence, and AI Social Systems are Computations that Minimize Uncertainty Consciousness as Computation // Learning from Deep Learning and Information Theory personal The hero with 8 billion faces Old Castle, by the river, in the middle of a forest The Emperor Has No Clothes, There is No Santa Claus, and Nothing is Rocket Science Origins of Venmo dignity+work The hero with 8 billion faces The Beautiful Struggle // The Beautiful Game Panem et Circenses Techno-Industrial Alienation, Craft, and The Calculus of Form If We Were All Buddhists, Life Would End When the Sun Burns Out Every New Yorker Wants to Open a Restaurant “They Say the #1 Killer of Old People is Retirement” The Emperor Has No Clothes, There is No Santa Claus, and Nothing is Rocket Science tech+gov+society (outsider economics) The Social Dilemma Dilemma Virtualization, Forklifts, Microphones, Shipping Containers, Video Conferencing, Stethoscopes… When You Gaze Long Into the Machine, The Machine Also Gazes Back Advertising, IP Law, and the Invisible Hand The Infinite Frontier as American Capitalism’s Response to the Malthusian Trap I, Backpack Principles for Radical Tax Reform and a Universal Dividend Speech is Free, Distribution is Not // A Tax on the Purchase of Human Attention and Political Power History of the Capital AI & Market Failures in the Attention Economy Napkin Modeling the US Govt “P&L” // Income Tax and Redistribution Scenarios Kinky Labor Supply and the Attention Tax Social Systems are Computations that Minimize Uncertainty Controlling International Trade with a ‘Crypto Customs’ Bureau // The End of National Labor Politics Metrics, Incrementalism, and Local Maxima Panem et Circenses “They Say the #1 Killer of Old People is Retirement” etcOakland Film Club - Rob and I host this regularly. We do typically prepare and share some personal remarks as ‘homework.’A Few of My Favorite Things - glimpses of the sublime, standing onthe shoulders of giants.Notes - short notes / books and papers I’m readingWork, Art, and Dignity in the Face of AI and Mass Automation - Recording of a talk I did at FORM 2018 along with a map of my writing on work, dignity, and AI.mit iap seminars (organized by me and rob)2020. (Essay,Syllabus).Film Noir and Failures of the Enlightenment and Industrial Revolution - a three part seminar.2019. (Essay,Syllabus).Narrative, Intelligence, and AI - a three part seminar.2018. (Essay,Syllabus).Consciousness, Computation, and the Universe - a two part seminar.2017. (Essay,Syllabus).AI, Mass Automation, and the Evolution of Human Dignity - a two part seminar.software GitHub - My open source projects. Unsubscribe Button for Chrome - Adds a shortcut to Gmail for unsubscribing from marketing emails. Focus Reader View for Chrome - Adds a “Reader View” (like Safari’s or Readability) to Chrome. Run in Terminal for VS Code - Use a keyboard shortcut to run any command in the Integrated Terminal of Virtual Studio Code. VS Code Markdown Notes - Navigate notes with [[wiki-links]] and #tags. Yogiref - An iPhone and Android app to help yoga students andteachers learn and reference poses.etc etc Suping Up VS Code as a Markdown Notebook A Collection of Internet Curiosities Charlie Kaufman on Screenwriting Memo on Office Food On Liberal Arts Education Cormac McCarthy on Vacation Tweet Like [email protected] Read Next Old Castle, by the river, in the middle of a forest /* globals Rollbar */// -----------------------------------------------// BEGIN helpers// -----------------------------------------------function onDocReady1(fn) { // see if DOM is already available if (document.readyState === 'complete' || document.readyState === 'interactive') { // call on next available tick setTimeout(fn, 1); } else { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', fn); }}function es6() { 'use strict'; if (typeof Symbol == 'undefined') { return false; } try { eval('class Foo {}'); eval('var bar = (x) => x+1'); } catch (e) { return false; } return true;}function es6yn() { return es6() ? 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