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2022-06-27 21:57:35

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North Europe NPLDecember 2020WebinarOnline1 hourNPL Iberia 2020November 2020ConferenceOnline1 dayGlobal NPL 2020October 2020ConferenceOnline2 daysIntralinks Webinar - South Europe NPLSeptember 2020WebinarOnline1 hourNPL VirtualMay-June 2020ConferenceOnline17 hoursNPL Europe 2020March 2020ConferenceLondon2 daysNPL Iberia 2019November 2019ConferenceMadrid2 daysGlobal NPL 2019October 2019ConferenceLondon2 daysNPL Italy 2019June 2019ConferenceMilan2 daysNPL Greece 2019May 2019ConferenceAthens1 dayNPL Europe 2019March 2019ConferenceLondon2 daysNPL Iberia 2018November 2018ConferenceMadrid2 daysNPL Europe 2018 autumnSeptember 2018ConferenceLondon2 daysNPL Italy 2018June 2018ConferenceMilan2 daysNPL Greece 2018May 2018ConferenceAthens2 daysNPL Europe 2018 springMarch 2018ConferenceLondon2 daysNPL Management 2017November 2017ConferenceFrankfurt2 daysNPL Europe 2017 autumnSeptember 2017ConferenceLondon2 daysNPL South EuropeJune 2017ConferenceMilan2 daysWorkout & Restructuring 2017May 2017ConferenceVienna2 daysNPL Europe 2017 springMarch 2017ConferenceLondon2 daysNPL Connect 2016December 2016ConferenceBerlin2 daysNPL Europe 2016 autumnSeptember 2016ConferenceLondon2 daysWorkout & Restructuring 2016May 2016ConferenceVienna2 daysNPL Europe 2016 springMarch 2016ConferenceLondon2 daysConsumer Debt SaleNovember 2015ConferenceBerlin2 daysNPL Europe 2015October 2015ConferenceLondon2 daysCollections Europe 2015June 2015ConferenceVienna2 daysWorkout & Restructuring 2015June 2015ConferenceVienna2 daysNPL internationalApril 2015ConferenceParis2 daysDebt Sales & RecoveryMarch 2015ConferenceIstanbul2 daysRestructuring & Insolvency EuropeDecember 2014ConferenceVienna2 daysCollections Outsourcing & Debt SellingNovember 2014ConferenceAmsterdam2 daysNPL EuropeOctober 2014ConferenceLondon2 daysCollections Europe 2014June 2014ConferenceVienna2 daysWorkout & Restructuring 2014May 2014ConferenceVienna2 daysLate & Legal Collections 2014February 2014ConferenceIstanbul2 daysEarly Collections 2013December 2013ConferenceBudapest2 daysMortgage Collections InternationalOctober 2013ConferenceBarcelona2 daysWorkout & RestructuringSeptember 2013ConferenceVienna2 daysCollections Europe 2013June 2013ConferencePrague2 daysCollections Europe 2012June 2012ConferencePrague2 daysAnd many more local events ...More Events5th annual summitNPL ItalyMilan| 23 June 2022See detailsAre you looking to sell Loans, Claims or Real Estate?Debitos is the leading online platform for the NPL secondary market enabling companies, banks and funds to quickly and efficiently sell their credit exposures.> € 21 BnInvestor Capital> 772 kLoans transacted16Countries> 1500Registered investorsSee detailsFeatured clientAdvertisementClientsDistressed FundsDebt PurchasersPrivate EquityOriginatorsAMCsRegulatorsServicersAdvisorsTechnology4th international summitGlobal NPLLondon| 5-6 October 2022See detailsTestimonials“Having sponsored several events over the past five years, I can say SmithNovak events are a must-go for investors, advisors and professionals involved in NPL investing, disposals, management, servicing and advisory.”Juan HormaecheaPartnerAllen & Overy“We were delighted to be the main partner. It was a great opportunity to connect with banks, investors and practitioners. The NPL market is really hot at the moment and that was borne out by the level of interest and attendance at sessions.”Ajay RawalGlobal Bank Restructuring LeaderEY“Thanks to SmithNovak for organizing the event. Informative, friendly and great for networking. Great to have SmithNovak in the Greek market. Looking forward to the next one.”George GeorgakopoulosManaging Director GreeceIntrum Hellas“An excellent conference where the main topics and trends were addressed and discussed by relevant players of the NPL sector. It was a good opportunity to meet many of these players and exchange views on the market and explore opportunities.”Pedro Marques da GamaPartnerPérez-Llorca5th annual summitNPL IberiaMadrid| 29 November 2022See detailsIndustry NewsClick HERE to receive a bi-weekly newsletter.GERMANY/CEE: RBI securitizes loan portfolio of € 1.8 billion 27 Jun 2022Raiffeisen Bank International AG (RBI) has securitized a loan portfolio worth € 1.8 billion. The portfolio consists of corporate loans mainly in Germany,...European NPLs: Smaller deals and a slower pace - White & Case23 Jun 2022European NPL volumes continued to decline in 2021, as unprecedented fiscal and monetary interventions gave many organisations room to breathe that otherwise...IRELAND: AIB Group to sell NPL portfolio for €0.4 bn21 Jun 2022AIB Group said Tuesday that it has agreed to sell a loan portfolio to Everyday Finance DAC for around 0.4 billion euros ($420.4 million). The Irish bank said...NIGERIA: Investors worry about banks’ N814 bn NPLs in 202121 Jun 2022Findings revealed that the aggregate NPLs of nine banks increased to N814.08 billion in 2021, representing 3.16 per cent increase from the N789.1 billion...Corporate Distress in Europe Hits Highest Since August 202021 Jun 2022Companies in Germany, the UK, France, Spain and Italy are the most distressed since August 2020, according to the Weil European Distress Index. The study...GREECE: Alpha Bank to pick investor for the Skyline Project 20 Jun 2022Alpha Bank is expected to announce the preferred bidder and co-investor in the Group's real estate project named "Project Skyline" which will strengthen the...SPAIN: Cerberus assesses the possible fusion of Haya with another Servicer20 Jun 2022Several servicers would have been interested in an operation, which at the moment seems complicated given Haya's difficult economic situation.BRAZIL: Number of Brazilians in debt reaches a new record of 66.1 million in April17 Jun 2022Delinquency broke a new record in the country: in April, 66,132,670 Brazilians had their names in the red, the highest number in the Serasa Experian historical...More News Showcase your brand Get noticed by leading decision-makersShowcase your brand Get noticed by leading decision-makersSponsorship opportunitiesOur events represent an excellent opportunity to gain invaluable brand exposure to a very specific, relevant audience of decision-makers in the Non-Performing Loans market.Why you should become a SponsorBy becoming a Sponsor, you will join the biggest names in the market putting your brand in front of a global audience. And because, as a Sponsor, you will be ‘on-stage’, you will meet and be seen by the most senior decision-makers in the market. Contact us now to receive Sponsor options for our next events.We bring together the biggest names in the industryThe biggest names in the industry Contact us Office address Milady Horákové 116/109160 00, Prague 6Czech RepublicTel. +420 222 560 113 Billing details SmithNovak s.r.o.Ve Střešovičkách 51160 00, Prague 6, Czech RepublicVAT No. CZ27383083Identif. 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