1. Describe the effects of Estrogens and Progesterone on the various systems of the body?

or:1. Describe the effects of Estrogens and Progesterone on the various systems of the body?or:Estrogen effects create proliferative endometrium brea

or:1. Describe the effects of Estrogens and Progesterone on the various systems of the body?

or:Estrogen effects create proliferative endometrium breast cell stimulation increased body fat and weight gain salt and fluid retention depression anxiety headaches poor sleep patterns cyclical migraines interferes with thyroids hormones function. Progesterone effects maintain secretory endometrium protects against breast fibrocysts helps use for energy natural diuretic natural anti depressant & calms anxiety prevents cyclical migraines promotes normal sleep patterns facilitates thyroid hormone function progesterone effects.
