Submit Your Link

Submit your web site link to

The link you submit will go in the queue for content review. Links are reviewed on a first-in, first-out basis. This could take anywhere from a few hours to a couple of weeks before your site is listed depending on number of submissions yet to be checked.

Please keep in mind we are a directory, not a search engine.

  • No deep linking. Please enter the main site URL. In other words, don't list your site 5-10 times with a separate listing to each page.
  • We don't accept submissions to free website builders such as wix, weebly,, blogger, blogspot. Because they are free, these sites tend to go dead or inactive within a short amount of time.
  • No site listings under multiple domain names
  • No sites that consist of Affiliate, banner, or advertising ONLY
  • Do not submit incomplete or "Under Construction" web sites.
  • Do not use URL shorteners in order to submit multiple similar links.
  • No Facebook posts, twitter, pinterest, youTube videos etc...
  • No link titles or descriptions that consists of only keywords, keywords, keywords. Say what your site's purpose is.
  • No links to escorts, anything pornographic, or in extremely bad taste.
  • No URL's which redirect users to other web sites or pages.
  • Use a valid email address. Why waste your time entering link information if you won't get the email to verify your link? 
  • Place your site in the most fitting category.
  • Give good condensed titles and descriptions
  • Don't put any links here that you wouldn't want your mother or little sister to see
  • We reserve the right to modify your submission to fit our guidelines.
  • If your submission violates the guidelines, it may not be approved.
You are responsible for any links you enter. Blatant abuse of our guidelines or e-mail verification could cause you to be blacklisted and all previous links removed from the directory.

We run link validation software that checks our database every 2 weeks. If your URL returns an unsuccessful HTTP request code it will be placed in the queue to be checked manually. If it fails a manual test it will be deleted without further notice.

Make sure you verify your link through the email you're sent. All unverified links are automatically deleted after 3 days.