Do you accept money orders as payment?

or:Do you accept money orders as payment?or:i would, not sure if this helps, though. :/or:I would not accept money orders. With today's technology it

or:Do you accept money orders as payment?

or:i would, not sure if this helps, though. :/

or:I would not accept money orders. With today's technology it is so easy to create counterfeits that look like the real thing. Recourse is only against the endorser, That's you.Lets examine how well your sell of a one-hundred dollar item would be. If you sold an item for one-hundred dollars, then it's gone and you are out one-hundred dollars, plus the listing fee, the final value fee plus the shipping cost. Now your bank is charging you an additional forty dollar service charge because you accepted a counterfeit money order.A personal check is handled the same way. If you deposit it and it bounces then you are charged a service fee. It's best to not accept a money order.
