Problem about Pipes & Cisterns?

If valve A can fill the tank in 15 minutes and valve B can empty the tank in 10 minutes, assuming the tank is full at the initial stage and by keeping

If valve 'A' can fill the tank in 15 minutes and valve 'B' can empty the tank in 10 minutes, assuming the tank is full at the initial stage and by keeping both valves open, how long will it take to empty the tank?

Can anybody please explain the logic behind answering this problem? Do you treat the amount of work done per unit time similar when considering filling/emptying the tank?



or:If valve 'A' can fill the tank in 15 minutes and valve 'B' can empty the tank in 10 minutes, assuming the tank is full at the initial stage and by keeping both valves open, how long will it take to empty the tank?Can anybody please explain the logic behind answering this problem? Do you treat the amount of work done per unit time similar when considering filling/emptying the tank?ThanksSabrina

or:you can consump the volume of the tank is 1. then the speed of A to fill the tank is 1/15,the speed of B to empty the tank is 1/10. so time=1/(1/10-1/15) you can calculate the time is 30 mins.
