News - What are your views on aliens?

I think its amazing , so I want to know more. or:I think it's amazing , so I want to know more.or:Well Aliens are what we call extra terrestrial meani

I think it's amazing , so I want to know more.

or:I think it's amazing , so I want to know more.

or:Well Aliens are what we call extra terrestrial meaning they live on another planet which is totally possible since the Universe is so big and enormous. These Aliens can come in different form. For me, I think an aliens are currently living in the solar system. Since Aliens can come from different shape, as long as its an organism whether its a bacteria or just a cell its still an alien

or:Alien life exists, the sheer size and scale of the Universe means that it must be there (See Drake's equation). I do not believe it has ever visited us, the distances between stars and even planets precludes the possibility and I do not believe we will ever meet aliens unless humanity (probably far evolved from us at the moment) expands so far into the galaxy that we \"accidentally\" meet. If, and it's a big if, we ever develop the ability to travel at speeds faster than light then maybe we will but that won't happen for at least several thousands of years assuming we don't destroy ourselves first or nature doesn't do it for us. My biggest reason for thinking we won't ever encounter alien life is simply the time scale, humanities \"window\" of existence is infitesimally small compared to the scale of time that has gone before us and will come after us and to meet another life form at the same level of civilization as us is a virtual impossibility. Possibly aliens have some form of StarTreks \"don't say hello until they have warp drive\" principle but I doubt it, more probably they ahve evolved beyond us to the point where we are as insects to them. We still hunt, eat and kill intelligent species on our own planet (apes, chimps, dolphins, etc) and they can at least \"communicate\" with us to a degree. Imagine an alien species who considers us less than we consider parrots AND has a completely different cultural background. I doubt we could even communicate let alone recognize it and we certainly wouldn't be able to communicate wiht it.There is also teh consideration that there would be no benefit to them in meeting us peacefully.. what could we possibly offer them that they don't already have?
