How long do the teeth whitening effects last?

I know that teeth whitening is not permanent. How long do they last?How can we increase the effect of teeth whitening? or:I know that teeth whitening

I know that teeth whitening is not permanent. How long do they last?
How can we increase the effect of teeth whitening?

or:I know that teeth whitening is not permanent. How long do they last?How can we increase the effect of teeth whitening?


or:It totally depends upon the efficiency and your regular eating habits. If after a teeth whitening effort, you start smoking or tobacco ingredients, you are going to lose its color. To specify an efficient product for a sustainable effect, you must consult an expert professional. Thanks for the conversation.

or:It has been seen that people, in these days, become much desirous of having the process of teeth whitening. Usually, the process of teeth whitening lasts for a longer time, if the process is applied in an efficient way, whereas, it is highly required to check, whether this process is good for the teeth or not. Moreover, be aware of the process, so that it does not become the reason of any irritation and sanitation in the mouth. For having any more detailed information, you may take the assistance of some proficient experts.

or:Everyone wants to have sparkling white teeth and for that, people use various kinds of products. Today, varieties of teeth whitening products are available in the market, as well as online. The results depend on the effectiveness of the product that you are using. If the teeth whitening product is effective, then the whitening effect will last longer. The lasting of the whiteness of the teeth also depends on your eating habits. It is better to avoid such foods and drinks that can stain the teeth and reduce the whiteness. If you need further suggestion, it is better to consult with a dental expert.

or:It is totally dependent on what types of teeth whitening kits are used for lightening the color of the teeth. If one decides to have an effective dentistry by consulting any professional dentist, then the effect of the teeth whitening kit will last for a long time, but before having any teeth whitening process, people must be sure that all such teeth whitening process will not become the reason of irritation of mouth. For having any more detailed information, you must consult with any expert dentist, who has adequate knowledge regarding all such aspects.

or:Teeth-whitening strips come with few side effects, such as mild gum irritation and increased tooth sensitivity, which may last for a few days and be quite painful,These whitening strips could damage teeth beneath the surface.
