What useful information do I need to include on a 4 page company newsletter for a produce company?

I work for a produce company. Currently we have a company newsletter that we deliever to our customers on a weekly basis, but out newsletter is very b

I work for a produce company. Currently we have a company newsletter that we deliever to our customers on a weekly basis, but out newsletter is very basic. I need to change that... Currently our newsletter provide information like produce harvest season/shortage forecast, variety of produce line we carry, and promo deal. Although, these are useful information for our customers to read, it doesn't really capture the audience attention. Anyone out there who is specialize in this area who can offer me more tips in terms of what other information I need to include and how to arrange the different topics. I need more information/topics to cover my four page newsletter template. Please advise, much appreciated!

or:I work for a produce company. Currently we have a company newsletter that we deliever to our customers on a weekly basis, but out newsletter is very basic. I need to change that... Currently our newsletter provide information like produce harvest season/shortage forecast, variety of produce line we carry, and promo deal. Although, these are useful information for our customers to read, it doesn't really capture the audience attention. Anyone out there who is specialize in this area who can offer me more tips in terms of what other information I need to include and how to arrange the different topics. I need more information/topics to cover my four page newsletter template. Please advise, much appreciated!

or:The Paleo Diet craze is very big right now. It basically offers people the robust health enjoyed by primal hunters and gatherers (barring communicable disease and saber-tooth attacks). They basically recommend a diet of only meat, eggs and produce, which could theoretically increase your sales.There's tons of scientific evidence supporting the plan, as well as anecdotal evidence that the program can cause symptom remission of conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, Parkinson's, and many others.Look into it. It makes for a good read. Also, human interest stories about the people who actually grow your produce might increase your readership.
