A key is constantly repeating on my computer?

A key on my laptop is consistently repeating even though nothings touching it. The only thing that can stop it from repeating is when I press Ctrl, bu

A key on my laptop is consistently repeating even though nothing's touching it. The only thing that can stop it from repeating is when I press Ctrl, but when I let go it continues. What can I do

or:A key on my laptop is consistently repeating even though nothing's touching it. The only thing that can stop it from repeating is when I press Ctrl, but when I let go it continues. What can I do

or:Take a picture of your keyboard and print it. Bend a paper clip and use it to pull off all the keys except the ones that are wider than one character. They have wires under them and are difficult to work with. Turn the board over and use a narrow paintbrush to knock out all the breadcrumbs and dust bunnies. Bang it gently on the table and brush some more. Wash the keys in dish water and let them dry. Now use your picture and push all the keys back into place. If that doesn't fix it then you just need a new keyboard.
