I'm 17 and I have no social life. I'm always in my room on Facebook and I do this for hours to?

... distract myself from my boredom.. I dont go out because people annoy me and are judgmental pricks. I have one best friend and she has a boyfriend

... distract myself from my boredom.. I don't go out because people annoy me and are judgmental pricks. I have one best friend and she has a boyfriend so where drifting away, I aren't actually ugly I'm very pretty and people told me I should be a model, its just I have very low self esteem and I'm very shy.. I want to have friends , go out on the weekend have a boyfriend but it just seems it's never gonna happen.. My teenage years are shit so far what do I do?? :(

or:... distract myself from my boredom.. I don't go out because people annoy me and are judgmental pricks. I have one best friend and she has a boyfriend so where drifting away, I aren't actually ugly I'm very pretty and people told me I should be a model, its just I have very low self esteem and I'm very shy.. I want to have friends , go out on the weekend have a boyfriend but it just seems it's never gonna happen.. My teenage years are shit so far what do I do?? :(

or:You should go out somewhere and be flirty and meet some people and not be scared to step out of your comfort zone. the worst that could happen is them tell you to leave them alone. Maybe not judge people so fast too... everyone can be mean and ignorant at times too! Just have fun with it!

or:I think you should go out with your facebook friends.. or real life friends.. for you to have a social life.. there is a saying that there is no man in an island.. think about it..

or:Step out of your comfort zone, lift your eyes from your Facebook and then you notice there are so many things around you will pick interest in like making new friend and talking about things happening. Have confident in yourself, you said you are very pretty, and by my understanding you are smart as well, most important don't let people get at you, put a boundary around you mentally \"you control how people make you feel\" by choosing to be happy even in front of judgmental people. I hope you make new friend and have happy memories.

or:I'm only gonna say to try something new. I remember when I lost a best friend because I was too serious and sensitive. We go to the same school, but its just awkward now XD I changed my personality, and not for others. I became a weirdo. And trust me its awesome to be a weirdo. So basically what I'm saying is step out of your comfort zone, and see if it becomes your new comfort zone.

or:You described my situation perfectly I am in the same boat pretty much my situation is very similar I am 17 don't have any friends at all! Except my boyfriend of 2 years. It is hard to go out with people the same age when you know your priorities like wanting to go to university and be the best version of your self when others are wanting to go to raves take drugs and start a family already! And your stuck being \"the sensible one\". My situation has lead me to develop depression and anxiety which I hope u never have to go through my advice as now I am gaining friends and getting a better perspective on life and a better grip on my depression is to try new things like start at a new college try talking to your old friends and bring back the old bonds you use to have. No one can truly give you the answer you want just hold on to your integrity and start 2016 as a better you.Really hope this helps as I am in the same situation!N125

or:Id say that you should act like nobody are judgemental pricks and the ones that like you for who you are will (hopefully(I would)) let you know in some way. Just assume that everyone are nice, and they all of a sudden seem a bit nicer (talking from personal experience)

or:It's not easy being pretty.

or:Try doing something that nobody expects you to do. You might surprise yourself.

or:i will be your friend x

or:Hi,I think you should just find something to do like a hobby or something to do outside.If you want a good life than just wakeup in the morning find stuff to do like clean the house or go on a bike ride, make some sort of goal... If you don't have a pet then consider getting a pet, and if you do bring it for a walk every day, clean it every 2 days, get up and feed it. Just remember all you have to do is just do it... Get out of your room and DO IT!! (not to be mean)...if you think your pretty than make a goal to be clean and health. So you can be a model in the future.

or:Honestly, just don't give a crap about anything and just live life like there's no tomorrow. No regrets!

or:Meet new friends! But find ones that are loyal and nice to you. Make sure your nice to them tho so that they dont reject you. Also go hang out with them outside and have fun! Play sports, talk, or go to the mall.

or:Honestly, I feel the same. I used to be sooo shy and such a low self-esteem. Now I feel like I am a Kanye apprentice. I think I noticed this when I met new people, met more and different personalities. Meeting new people will change you, but be careful who you become friends with. And legit, when I turned off my f**** to give, wow it felt great, just don't care what other people think. Things can turn for us this year, have a boyfriend, have the awesomest stories to tell, etc.Hope things will be awesome for youGood luck!
