When a star explodes and spew all its matter into space, could it be the reason 4 universe 2 expand?

Universe is expanding at an unparalleled speed, but we also know that no new matter is created at any time. so is it possible that the matter that is

Universe is expanding at an unparalleled speed, but we also know that no new matter is created at any time. so is it possible that the matter that is converted to energy at the core of the stars and the acceleration caused by its explosion could be the energy behind the expansion.as more and more stars collapsing adding more and more energy to the whole system.

or:Universe is expanding at an unparalleled speed, but we also know that no new matter is created at any time. so is it possible that the matter that is converted to energy at the core of the stars and the acceleration caused by its explosion could be the energy behind the expansion.as more and more stars collapsing adding more and more energy to the whole system.

or:wen u ask a question like dis u need to show dat u are capable of understanding d answer
