All 4 Wisdom Teeth out a week & 3 days ago?

IM STARVING, all I have had is Ramen noodles for almost two weeks, I really want potato chips and boneless buffalo chicken wings, my stitches have cam

IM STARVING, all I have had is Ramen noodles for almost two weeks, I really want potato chips and boneless buffalo chicken wings, my stitches have came out, Im not sore or in pain but still have a tiny hole where it aint all healed shut yet, is it to soon to stuff my face?

or:IM STARVING, all I have had is Ramen noodles for almost two weeks, I really want potato chips and boneless buffalo chicken wings, my stitches have came out, Im not sore or in pain but still have a tiny hole where it aint all healed shut yet, is it to soon to stuff my face?

or:You may want to hold out a little while longer on chips and other rigid hard foods. While your mouth on average heals faster then some other parts of your body diving back into hard foods while not extremely bad may cause some bleeding and/or irritation. Use personal judgement for the most part but maybe avoid chips and other similair foods a little while longer, I know I did when I got my own wisdom teeth out. But for sure you can starting eating more solid food
