How do you get priority access in a wifi network controlled by an administrator?

Hello, I goto a college where they put priority on gaming dead last and during peak hours the bandwidth is next to nothing for gaming consoles. I have

Hello, I goto a college where they put priority on gaming dead last and during peak hours the bandwidth is next to nothing for gaming consoles. I have friends who game on a PC and they have great connection since it is technically a computer and not a video game console. Is there a way I could route the connection through my computer and create my own "hotspot" so I could get my connection through my computer and have priority access? Any other ideas to get a better connection?

or:Hello, I goto a college where they put priority on gaming dead last and during peak hours the bandwidth is next to nothing for gaming consoles. I have friends who game on a PC and they have great connection since it is technically a computer and not a video game console. Is there a way I could route the connection through my computer and create my own \"hotspot\" so I could get my connection through my computer and have priority access? Any other ideas to get a better connection?

or:The only way to change administrator setting is to hack into the administrators side or just try to find out the password some how. 'priority access' is the administrator settings. Or the easier way you could do is buy a router and you put the internet settings their and you have your own router. You could make yourself a personal network with their network, and you might get faster internet depending on where the router is. Like if you hook it up by the window you might get faster internet. You get me?
