Some people say that God is Everywhere?

Do you think that is true, and if so, how can you prove it? or:Do you think that is true, and if so, how can you prove it?or:Science is anything that

Do you think that is true, and if so, how can you prove it?

or:Do you think that is true, and if so, how can you prove it?

or:Science is anything that can be measured. Spirit is anything that can not be measured. Science is powered by logic and evidence. Spirit is powered by believing and wisdom. No connection. Stop trying to prove or disprove spiritual things with science.The reason you can't \"prove\" God is that if you don't believe, then by definition all proof is nonsense. But if you study the bible for a while, you will eventually realize that it is all true, proven to your own satisfaction. Read a chapter of Proverbs every day. Proverbs has 31 chapters so you can keep your place by just looking at a calendar. There is no religion or nothing in Proverbs and you don't have to believe anything. Just read to find wisdom. When you are comfortable with that, then read the bible from Romans to 2 Thessalonians over and over until you start to remember what it says. That is the part that applies to Christians.

or:The Creator is not an obscure force that is everywhere and in everything. The Almighty God is a real person who lives in the heavens, a real place. Still, there is not a creation that is hidden from his sight according to Hebrews 4:13.

or:The prophet Jeremiah wrote that His \u201ceyes are opened upon all the ways of the sons of men, in order to give to each one according to his ways.\u201d (Jer 32:19) The apostle Paul wrote to the Hebrew congregation, \u201cThere is not a creation that is not manifest to his sight, but all things are naked and openly exposed to the eyes of him with whom we have an accounting.\u201d (Heb 4:13)Of the searching quality of God\u2019s examination of men, the psalmist says: \u201cHis own eyes behold, his own beaming eyes examine the sons of men.\u201d\u2014Ps 11:4.Certainly nothing is hidden from him, whatever we do or say, God is aware of it, unlike the stupid one mentioned in Psalms 14 who says \"There is no God\".

or:Jehovah's body is not everywhere. Otherwise we would be seeing Him right now. But no man has seen God at any time (John 1:18). However, Jehovah is quite aware of all things going on right now (Matthew 10:29-31; Hebrews 4:13).

or:As long as we believe God is a statue, God is a saint, we will never be able to realize the truth about God. Who is God? God is not a person made of bone and skin, God is a power that makes the heart beat. God is energy that is making the sun glow, the water flow, the wind blow. God is a power that is omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient. Even science understands that every particle of matter is made up of energy. What is this energy that is everywhere in this universe? You, me, the trees and the flowers, the leaves, the birds, the animals, there is a power, this power is God. God is not a person, God is a power. When we realize this, that God is a power, then we realize that everything beautiful in this world is beautiful because of the Divine, because of God power, God energy.
