What is a bone density test for?

husband had an MRI due to severe pain in his r-leg and pain in the hip. They found on the MRI that he has a lesion in the hip with a tunnel what ever

husband had an MRI due to severe pain in his r-leg and pain in the hip. They found on the MRI that he has a lesion in the hip with a tunnel what ever that means. He now needs to go for a bone density test. Please explain why and what this means.

or:husband had an MRI due to severe pain in his r-leg and pain in the hip. They found on the MRI that he has a lesion in the hip with a tunnel what ever that means. He now needs to go for a bone density test. Please explain why and what this means.

or:it could be that they want to see if there is anything wrong with your bone structure to see if there is anything else going on with your bones could also be scar tissue or want to find out if there is any lesion in your bone marrow or any other things they can check while your in the chamber so they can check
