About Astronomy?

Is there any gravity on Asteroids,what actually makes a body to rotate faster and slower and is size directly proportional to the mass, the more size

Is there any gravity on Asteroids,what actually makes a body to rotate faster and slower and is size directly proportional to the mass, the more size the matter has the more is mass and the more is gravity

or:Is there any gravity on Asteroids,what actually makes a body to rotate faster and slower and is size directly proportional to the mass, the more size the matter has the more is mass and the more is gravity

or:Every mass has gravity. There is no difference beween planets, moons, asteroids, and comets except our opinion of them.Everything rotates just because it can't be avoided. If two things collide and they are not perfectly centered, both will be sent spinning. If they are not perfect spheres then gravity will make them spin. That is why the moon always turns the same face toward Earth: it is denser on that side.
