I'm working with a school project in school about enviromental issues. I have some questions that I?

Im working with a school project in school about enviromental issues. I have some questions that I hope you can answer. Please write your age and whic

I'm working with a school project in school about enviromental issues. I have some questions that I hope you can answer. Please write your age and which country you live in.

What do you do in everyday life for the environment? (like turn of the light when you live a room, take bus instead of driving)

What problems have you seen in society that are caused by environmental damage?

Do you care the environmental problems?

How do you think the future of planet will look like?

What steps should we do to prevent environmental pollution?

How is the attitude of people around you to the enviromental issues?

or:I'm working with a school project in school about enviromental issues. I have some questions that I hope you can answer. Please write your age and which country you live in.What do you do in everyday life for the environment? (like turn of the light when you live a room, take bus instead of driving)What problems have you seen in society that are caused by environmental damage?Do you care the environmental problems?How do you think the future of planet will look like?What steps should we do to prevent environmental pollution?How is the attitude of people around you to the enviromental issues?

or:Hi! I am 14 years old and things I do are turn off the water while brushing my teeth. Some problems I have seen is Japan and how the nuclear plant blew up, also cellular towers causing bees to loose direction. Yes I care about environmental problems. It depends on how far in the future we are talking about. I think that if we are talking about 500 years from now, it will be trashed if we keep up not recycling and trashing the planet with litter. I think more people should recycle, maybe have a recycle team at schools? Have cleaning committees for the litter on the ocean. Lots of people don't care about it, they say it doesn't matter to them. Hope I helped!
