Google - I've been trying to log in to last account because I lost my phone. Don't have the same?

... number anymore and dont remember my password. Ive tried recover but after I go to my new account I made to recover it still didnt let me sig

... number anymore and don't remember my password. I've tried recover but after I go to my new account I made to recover it still didn't let me sign in. How do I get to my account another way. I don't think the recovery system provided is very helpful

or:... number anymore and don't remember my password. I've tried recover but after I go to my new account I made to recover it still didn't let me sign in. How do I get to my account another way. I don't think the recovery system provided is very helpful

or:The point of a password is that you remember it and nobody else knows it. You can get a program to remember them, but most people just write a list.
