Does proactiv solution naturally makes our face darker?

or:Does proactiv solution naturally makes our face darker?or:I tried Proactive a few years back and of course it wasn't what they said it would be.

or:Does proactiv solution naturally makes our face darker?

or:I tried Proactive a few years back and of course it wasn't what they said it would be. Those commercials always overrate the product to get more sales. For some people it works but it didn't work for me. I think you would have better luck with a tanning bed than another face cream product. The best way to get healthy skin naturally is by eating the right foods. Almonds have Vitamin E, Which is very good for your skin sure almonds are high in fat but it is the good fat. Other foods like Bell Peppers have Vitamin C and are good for skin growth and development. Vitamin E directly protects the skin from UV (ultraviolet) rays from the sun. Vitamin E also helps Cellular health and rejuvenation necessary for proper skin repair. Carrots are high in vitamin A and antioxidants that promote skin health. Vitamin A plays an important role Cell Division and repair. As a regulator of the immune system, Vitamin A helps fight off infections by making white blood cells that destroy harmful bacteria. Vitamin A also strengthens the mucous membranes which help prevent cell damage.If you Have Netflix (only $8 per month) I recommend watching a documentary called \"Hungry for Change\" it is a really good documentary.
