Why would he do that?

Heres one boy at school that keeps staring at me, looking at every move i do, everytime someone calls my name he turns around to see what will i say..

Here's one boy at school that keeps staring at me, looking at every move i do, everytime someone calls my name he turns around to see what will i say.. He goes to stand infront of me when his class is downstairs untill the bell rings. One time i walked by him he said to his friend that he likes me but i pretended i didnt hear cause i had to hurry up to my class.. well i have a crush on him .. i added him on facebook in october.. and he accepted me.. also my friend added him too and tried talk to him.. well lately i posted some things on my friends wall but it wasn't about this boy well i dont know why but well all of studden he just deleted me from facebook.. i never did anything ...And i checked.. he also deleted my friend.. well why would he do that.. I don't understand..

or:Here's one boy at school that keeps staring at me, looking at every move i do, everytime someone calls my name he turns around to see what will i say.. He goes to stand infront of me when his class is downstairs untill the bell rings. One time i walked by him he said to his friend that he likes me but i pretended i didnt hear cause i had to hurry up to my class.. well i have a crush on him .. i added him on facebook in october.. and he accepted me.. also my friend added him too and tried talk to him.. well lately i posted some things on my friends wall but it wasn't about this boy well i dont know why but well all of studden he just deleted me from facebook.. i never did anything ...And i checked.. he also deleted my friend.. well why would he do that.. I don't understand..

or:first share me, your user id of facebook, and his name and also user id of facebook, i want to see his activity on facebook, well, i think it will only two matter, 1. you were contacted with other boy, through he has afsate with you. or 2. he found any other girl who is better then you, in looking and also other compareing,overall if you want to in deeply help about that boy, then please give me both user id of facebook and other detail

or:I think he likes you, otherwise he won't care about your every move, you can have a talk with him, ask his thoughts, discuss how to solve this problem

or:He either really really likes you or he DEEPLY FINDS YOU SEXY.so yeah....he likes ya
