I have sensitive dry skin I tried many differences lotions and face washes and they all burn. Help?

Just recently within the past 2 months my skin has been getting irratated with everything I use, and I cannot find a single thing to keep my fave from

Just recently within the past 2 months my skin has been getting irratated with everything I use, and I cannot find a single thing to keep my fave from getting to dry without burning. I used to only be able to use CeraVe and not I can't even use that. Please help!!!

or:Just recently within the past 2 months my skin has been getting irratated with everything I use, and I cannot find a single thing to keep my fave from getting to dry without burning. I used to only be able to use CeraVe and not I can't even use that. Please help!!!

or:Try something organic also when you do wash your face after its dry use aloe vera and put on your face cut the plant

or:I also have this problem, use the medicated cosmelic which will not harm your skin, which will be better.
