"i have a kitten whose mother died , I fed it with kids milk (liptomil1) is that good for kittens ?

and it has umbilical cord about 0.5 cm should i cut it ?" or:and it has umbilical cord about 0.5 cm should i cut it ?\"or:i would call the vet and get

and it has umbilical cord about 0.5 cm should i cut it ?"

or:and it has umbilical cord about 0.5 cm should i cut it ?\"

or:i would call the vet and get the vets ideas on that cause they can tell you more even if they had the kitten right in front of them and he could do a first examine on the kitty i'm sure you want to find out as much as you can

or:NOOOO! NEVER give kittens or cats milk! It can constipate them and actually cause them to die. They need KMR (kitten milk replacement) Its a formula made just for kittens.
