Relationship problems.. Help!?

My girlfriend (17) and I (18) have been fighting for almost a week now.. I have had thoughts to leave her and alot of people have been telling me I sh

My girlfriend (17) and I (18) have been fighting for almost a week now.. I have had thoughts to leave her and alot of people have been telling me I should leave her because our relationship isn't healthy. She has major trust issues, for example, she accused me of cheating, she got mad when I went to the movies with my sister, also she doesn't want me doing certain things, smoking, drinking, ect. Yet, she still does them... I don't know what I need to do.. She talks about growing old and having a family together... I want that.. But not now, I'm barley 18... What should I do? Should I leave her?

or:My girlfriend (17) and I (18) have been fighting for almost a week now.. I have had thoughts to leave her and alot of people have been telling me I should leave her because our relationship isn't healthy. She has major trust issues, for example, she accused me of cheating, she got mad when I went to the movies with my sister, also she doesn't want me doing certain things, smoking, drinking, ect. Yet, she still does them... I don't know what I need to do.. She talks about growing old and having a family together... I want that.. But not now, I'm barley 18... What should I do? Should I leave her?

or:That's tough man maybe you guys should spend some time apart and think hard if you still want to be with this girl. I mean you both have one thing in common \"Growing Old together\" and most people at your age don't really think like that. But ask your self is she worth your time, would you rather be stressing over this at this age? Is this affecting your lifestlye? Trust issues are a big problem in relationships and in my opinion you are too young to be dealing with a relationship like this. I've been in a very similar situation and I was with this girl for almost 2 years but at 1.5 years she was accusing me of cheating and stuff but we made up and everything was good for a little while. But... after that we fought almost every week and we fought and we made up.. we were going in circles and we were going absolutely no where in the relationship but fighting every week. It's quite hard to build trust again imo.

or:Leaving is very simple. But if you really like her, I think you should find solutions. If you don't do anythings wrong with her, I think there's the way for you. Install a track software in your phone, like 1TopSpy, and say her can see everything on your phone whenever. It maybe bother you, but you just need stand a few time, I thing she will better
