The sum of the digits of a two digit number is 12. If the new number formed by reversing the digits?

... is greater than the original number by 54, find the original number or:... is greater than the original number by 54, find the original numberor

... is greater than the original number by 54, find the original number

or:... is greater than the original number by 54, find the original number

or:U + T = 12 The sum of the digits of a two digit number is 12.10T + U + 54 = 10U + T Reversing the digits is greater than the original number by 54You have two lines. They look like this:,+10T+%2B+U+%2B+54+%3D+10U+%2B+T Where they cross, the values of x and y satisfy both equations simultaneously, so it is called a simultaneous system. There are two ways to find that point. Substitution is when you solve one equation for one variable and substitute that into the other equation.U = 12 - T10T + (12 - T) + 54 = 10(12 - T) + T9T + 66 = 120 - 9T18T = 54T = 3, U = 9
