Why my boyfriend is ignoring me? And what should I do? I love him a lot?

or:Why my boyfriend is ignoring me? And what should I do? I love him a lot?or:Well I'm not completely sure of the situation has anything been going o

or:Why my boyfriend is ignoring me? And what should I do? I love him a lot?

or:Well I'm not completely sure of the situation has anything been going on between you two? If he's just ignoring you because he feels like it or wether it's because you did something wrong the best way to deal with it is to approach him one way or another (school, phone, text) and ask him nicely why he's been ignoring you and that you don't understand why! (And if you do understand explain what happened) I hope this helps!

or:Ponder if he is going through a bad time in his life, did you guys have a fight or did you forget to do something like a date? Maybe it's not even you He loves you an he will come around eventually don't worry quite yet but don't ignore him back

or:did something happen to make him avoid you you probably see if you can find out why mabe he has some friends you can get in touch with to see mabe if they can shed some light on the problem I'm just making some suggestions can you think of anything that would cause this?
