Hip pain that comes and goes?

for about the past month ive had some persistent hip pain that hurts when i sit down, bend over, or try to run or walk, it has varied from severe and

for about the past month i've had some persistent hip pain that hurts when i sit down, bend over, or try to run or walk, it has varied from severe and tearjerking, and somedays i don't even feel it at all. the only incident that i think could have caused something was about 50 days ago i slipped on something at the hallway in my school and landed right on my hip.

or:for about the past month i've had some persistent hip pain that hurts when i sit down, bend over, or try to run or walk, it has varied from severe and tearjerking, and somedays i don't even feel it at all. the only incident that i think could have caused something was about 50 days ago i slipped on something at the hallway in my school and landed right on my hip.
