External Laptop Battery Charger I just ordered a replacement and the new one has an added little?

... unit.What is that ? a power surge protector?Cannot seem to upload image or:... unit.What is that ? a power surge protector?Cannot seem to upload

... unit.
What is that ? a power surge protector?
Cannot seem to upload image

or:... unit.What is that ? a power surge protector?Cannot seem to upload image

or:Every program you use has a tools menu. If you use tools a lot it will be a toolbar across the top of the screen. If you rarely use tools it might be hidden. In Windows you can click \"Start\" and select \"Control Panel\" and that gives you a menu of menus to control everything the computer does. You can right click anything and most of the time get a menu for that specific item. For example if you right click the desktop you have the option to rotate the monitor image in some graphic cards. That allows you to have an image that is high instead of wide, by turning your monitor. You don't need to memorize all these things, just be aware that they are in there. Then you can claim to know how to operate a computer at the beginner level.There are dozens of sites where you can upload a picture and post the url in a message on another site. imgur.com, tinypic.com, and more. There is a site called images.google.com that will search an image that you can link to. Google is the front door to the internet. Learn it: www.googleguide.com/
