Creation - if the entire solar system is scaled to the size of a penny how far away is the nearest?

... star? or:... star?or:You can go to and find lots of solar system models. You can go to and get the actual sizes of thi

... star?

or:... star?

or:You can go to and find lots of solar system models. You can go to and get the actual sizes of things and work out the relative sizes for any scale you choose.It's hard to imagine the immensity of space. Here is an example to give you an idea just how far apart things are.The distance from earth to sun is called an astronomical unit, AU. It happens that the number of AU in a light year is nearly equal to the number of inches in a mile. Imagine the earth to be one inch away from the sun. At this scale the sun is less than one hundredth inch wide, just a speck of dust. The entire solar system would fit within a man's outstretched arms. The nearest star is another speck of dust FOUR MILES away.
