I'm looking for a high quality pair of speakers that could be classed as studio speakers. Ideas???

So im looking for high quality speakers. They need to be high enough quality that I could use them as studio speakers but also need to be in a decent

So i'm looking for high quality speakers. They need to be high enough quality that I could use them as studio speakers but also need to be in a decent price range, I don't want to pay to much but still want high quality.

or:So i'm looking for high quality speakers. They need to be high enough quality that I could use them as studio speakers but also need to be in a decent price range, I don't want to pay to much but still want high quality.

or:you can go onto the internetand do a search for high quality speakers and it will show you a variety of them and you'll be able to choose the ones you want that would fit the criteria you want and see probably some great things get the ones you want music web sites would also help try karokee as a search site this will come up with some great ones also try overstock.com or amazon they are also good sights

or:Less than 100: alesis elevate 3100-200: tannoy reveal 402200-300 krk rocket 5Any more and talk to a dealer and definitely do some in store comparison
