How have issues impacting on young people have changed over the last 50 years. give me 2 examples?

i am currently diploma in work and dont seem to get the question because I still young I am only 19 years of age. or:i am currently diploma in work

i am currently diploma in work and don't seem to get the question because I still young I am only 19 years of age.

or:i am currently diploma in work and don't seem to get the question because I still young I am only 19 years of age.

or:I'm not sure what issues have an impact on young people. I mean from 50 years ago, 1964 to 2014, well, I was born in the early 70s and the only pressures on me were to do well in school and behave in a way that was expected of me as a child of a middle class family. As a teacher now I'd say that little has changed. An education is still important, a \"rounding of character\" i.e learn to paly an instrument, do sports, socialise, etc is still expected as is showing respect for elders and people in a position of authority. Perhaps technology and the fact that young people have grown up with it around them as opposed to my generation who grew up as it developed around them has had a negative effect. Young people don't seem to read as much as we did, not actual books anyway, they don't seem to be as socially aware in that they commit more social gaffs than we would have, they also seem to be less aware of what is actually going on in the world and most especially what other poeples points of views are. They are very pro this and anti that without seeming to even be aware of the other side of the issue and that stems from the way they use and access technology, only reading about things they agree with and talking to people who agree with them, they are never confronted with an opposing opinion and when they are they often ignore it. Anyhoo... the main issues which are and will have a direct effect on the youth today as they grow up are environment and energy. My generation were obviously taught about environmentalism and we began the whole recycling movement, my generation grew up at least being aware that one day the oil and coal would be gone but it was always a long way away, this generation now are going to have to live with the fact that fuel and energy costs are only going to go up and not down. We had access to jobs in our own country, making things in our own country bought by people in our own country, today even if you do buy \"made in the UK\" it is only about 20% \"made in thr UK\" if that and that is because business has truly gone global. I don't want tot argue whether this is a good or bad thing (I think it is a good thing) but the result is that many low skilled jobs and the mass employers have gone overseas meaning that for many young people a career today is either not going to happen or be a chain of 20+ different jobs before you retire. my generation (mostly but not all) could see themselves changing job only 3 or 4 times if that. Hope that helps a bit, apologizes for any typos :)
